What to do with your The Gift?
The Gift is an energy form, packaged in a metaphor so we can consciously transmit it and receive it.
You can:
1. EMO The Gift.
This means taking the energy form into your energy body and moving the energy in, through and out. This is a fabulous experience when you know how to do it and can also show you if you have shields, blockages, reversals or injuries to these kinds of (beneficial) incoming energy forms that might require healing first.
2. Use The Gift As A Positive In Energy EFT
Evoke the energy of the gift and tap mindfully until you get to +10 - then you know you have received The Gift!
3. Take The Gift Into Sanctuary and Play With It!
That's obviously the first choice for PS players and the most fun. Basically ask yourself where that fits into your sanctuary realms, what you can with it, what it's for, where it came from, and what else you can do and learn from and with this The Gift. Wonderfully good fun and educational at the multi-level.
4. Simply Let The The Gift Inspire You ...
The Gift you receive might remind you of something, or set a train of thought in motion as your energy mind responds to the arrival of a The Gift, which is clearly energy mind derived in the first place.
Go with it and who knows? You might find something to inspire you, something to learn, something to remember ...
Or you might be inspired to send a The Gift of your own to someone or something YOU love?
The Gift is magical - so give it often, and freely! 

The Gift (c) Silvia Hartmann 1996/2016