Join us, and thousands of energists around the world, on August 8th at 8pm, 888, to celebrate and ring in the annual World Energy Awareness Day, energists pride!
Read on for more information about Energy 888...

August 8th, it's the Annual 888 World Energy Awareness Day!
Energist Pride!
You are officially invited to join in on August the 8th, at 8pm, wherever you are in the world, to shift the power field of stress, confusion and energy blindness that has dogged mankind through the ages.
For the first time in the history of humanity we now have the ability to communicate instantly all over the world, and when we focus on a common goal with energy in mind and love in our hearts, we will make the change that the world has been waiting for.
Energy is Joy!
Use the whole day to focus on energy in your daily life. Celebrate with friends on the night, or light a candle and give a single prayer.
As one and many give their heartfelt energy, a wave of intention will ripple around the world as we pass through our time zones, and our intention will be heard by many more than we will ever know.
Raise your energy and release your love, your hopes and dreams for the world at 8pm, your time.
It's time to change the world!!!
Here are some ideas how to celebrate World Energy Awareness Event:
- On August 8th, wish everyone a "Happy Energy Day!" Be proud to be an energist!
- Translate the invitation to join in on the World Energy Awareness Event for your country and invite non-English speakers to take part.
- Send out a "Happy Energy Day!" message on your social networks in the morning, and a special message at 8pm - your personal blessings, hopes and dreams for a world of love.
- Throw an energy party for friends and family.
- Get together with world friends on skype.
- Let yourself be inspired and create the perfect Energy Day celebration for you, your loved ones, your community.
- If you are on your own, a heartfelt prayer and a single lit candle will be powerful and wonderful as well.
- Tune in at 8pm your time at and send love, awakening and energy awareness to the whole world!
Love without age, without gender, without race, without frontier.
It's time to change the world.
Further Information